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Next Stop: Happiness


We drove carefully down a very rough dirt road, further and further until there was not much but half built shacks in empty fields.

Here we met Jackie and the children that she had gathered there in a small community center of her own making, called Happiness Now. We were greeted with smiles and curious looks and later with songs and proud displays of artwork.

A few children gathered up the bravery to speak the English words they knew in exchange for the even fewer Spanish words I know.

They were sweet and charming, but they were all in desperate need.

They were here because they were refugees from Haiti and without safe places to be. They were not allowed at school and parents were working in whatever ways they could.

Here at the center, they were being provided with clean water, two meals, reading instruction and group projects such as the songs and a fruit and vegetable garden. We were there to see if we could help lighten the burden of providing water in this remote place.

We weren't sure if we could, but we told them but we would try.

We were all moved by Jackie’s commitment to this community and want to help support this hopeful little place in an area where hope was hard.




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Water at Work Ministry is a  tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code represented by EIN #45-4539743. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by federal and state tax law. Water at Work Ministry promises to honor your generosity and use your donation in the most effective way possible. While every effort will be made to apply your gift according to your indicated project preference, Water at Work Ministry has final discretion over the use of the donated funds, within the organization's mission, to best serve as many people as possible. Water at Work Ministry is platinum rated on Guidestar and accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Water at Work Ministry is focused on Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation and Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth of the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations. In addition, Water at Work Ministry is project #3021988 with the UMC Advance.

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