Great is thy faithfulness! Great is they faithfulness!
Morning by morning, new mercies I see
All I have needed, they hand has provided
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord Unto me
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine, with 10,000 beside

Meeting some of the capable, committed, and welcoming people who are using the funds we give to make Water at Work Ministry run, was a highlight of my time in the DR. They treat these jobs as a mission.
They are thinking day and night about how to make sure the water is always there and how to make it accessible for more people. They know the struggles of these people and have been these people at times. They care not only about providing safe water today but about the opportunity it gives people to look beyond today and plan for a better tomorrow.
Pride and excitement were the feelings expressed at Brisas del Mar, the site of our newly opened water plant that we also visited.
The church there was being pastored by a young couple, the water plant is brand new and a bright young woman with needed skills will be managing it.
In addition, a group of U.S. doctors are sponsoring a medical clinic to be built on an adjacent lot where the pastor’s wife who is a phycologist can also work. This group of buildings and they people committed to them will have the power to transform this community.
Clean water is a vital piece of what is happening there. But it is so exciting to know that all together, they will soon have the tools to minister to the physical, mental and spiritual needs of the people there.