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Align your brand with a purpose-driven mission that goes beyond profit margins.


Ways to get involved.

When you partner with Water at Work Ministry as part of your corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives you are taking a meaningful and impactful step in  your business to make a positive difference for communities in need. By collaborating with us, you align your brand with a purpose-driven mission that goes beyond profit margins, demonstrating your commitment to caring for those in need. Our proven track record in creating lasting change for those in need of clean, safe water in the Dominican Republic ensures that your CSR efforts have a tangible and measurable impact, enhancing your reputation as a socially conscious company.

Our Corporate Partners 

Thomas scientific
Swedensboro, NJ

Donated a percentage of one month’s sales. 

Thomas Scientific sells water quality equipment, but in 2022 they aimed higher. They decided to donate 1% of all sales revenues on their Hach-branded water quality products during the month of March. That 1% turned into a whopping $3,652 for the mission of clean, safe water!

Valparaiso, IN

Donated all sales of a single product for one week.

St. Francis Brands
Dagsboro, DE

Donated to our general budget and are offering a program for our supporters to generate future donations by purchasing their products.

Chick-fil-A Valparaiso sells delicious chicken sandwiches. Within one year of their grand opening, they generously offered to run a week-long fundraiser. Through that fundraiser, they donated all their large lemonade sales, which led to a gift of $2,063 for the mission of clean, safe water!

St. Francis Brands seeks to provide quality NutraVital biotics for dogs, cats and horses but also values making an impact with their profits. In 2023, St. Francis Brands donated $1,000 to our general operating budget. Now they have created a promotional deal for our supporters to use code: WWM to receive a 20% discount on NutraVital biotics for dogs, cats and horses when ordering on their website at Every purchase made using the WWM code will generate a $10 donation to Water at Work. Please check into their offer!

You too can make a difference like
our corporate partners.

Partner with Us

Inquire today about partnering with us.

Join our effort in providing clean, safe water to the Dominican Republic.

Join in our mission to provide clean,
safe water to the Dominican Republic.


Develop a strategy.

This means, first and foremost, deciding within your leadership team that giving back to society is important to your company. Once you do, see that Water at Work Ministry is aligned with your own company’s mission and work. Then, develop a unique way to donate a portion of your revenue to our organization. Some companies have chosen to donate a percentage of their sales for a time frame, while others have chosen to donate sales of a particular product. Either way, your customers will feel good about doing business with a company that is socially responsible.


Fund a project.

You may decide to partner with us toward a specific goal, like drilling a well or purchasing a water delivery truck for clean water delivery. That way your customers can see the real, tangible impact your company’s generosity is making.


Be an event sponsor.

If a long-term relationship doesn't seem like the right fit for your company, you may choose to sponsor an upcoming fundraising event instead. For each of Water at Work Ministry’s events during the year, there are sponsor levels available ranging from Bronze to Presenting with great visibility and increasing perks for your company.

Partner with Us

Join our effort in providing clean, safe water to the Dominican Republic.


P.O. Box 923053

Peachtree Corners, GA 30010

(404) 465-1447



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Water at Work Ministry is a  tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code represented by EIN #45-4539743. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by federal and state tax law. Water at Work Ministry promises to honor your generosity and use your donation in the most effective way possible. While every effort will be made to apply your gift according to your indicated project preference, Water at Work Ministry has final discretion over the use of the donated funds, within the organization's mission, to best serve as many people as possible. Water at Work Ministry is platinum rated on Guidestar and accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Water at Work Ministry is focused on Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation and Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth of the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations. In addition, Water at Work Ministry is project #3021988 with the UMC Advance.​


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