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Holistically Christian


You can trust this mission is founded in faith in Jesus Christ. From the beginning, each person on our staff or board has felt called by God to serve in the mission of clean water and Living Water. Today, every water plant is connected to the local community's church. Often the pastors are the plant managers. Additionally, all profits are used by the church to reach more people with the Gospel.  


  • Clean water to Living Water is the foundational mission.

  • Every water plant is connected to a church.

  • Plant profits fund gospel outreach.

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Locally Led

You know how valuable it is for a community to have ownership in their own growth. We agree with you! That is why our

in-country, non-profit, Fundación Water Work, is staffed and led by Dominicans. They know their peoples' culture and values better than anyone. When you give, you can know that it is being utilized through well-advised, local leadership on where and how plants can be best implemented.


Technologically Strong

You may think a mission of clean water and Living Water is great but wonder about the quality of technology used.  Because of generous givers and an excellence-focused staff, each water plant is built with state-of-the-art water purification technology, including reverse osmosis systems, to consistently produce clean, safe water. Each plant is certified by the Ministry of Public Health.


  • 7 complete water business/water plants in-country.

  • All certified by Ministry of Public Health.

  • 135,000 gallons of clean, safe water each month. 


Economically Sustainable 

When you give, you are supporting the start-up of a Dominican water plant business. The water is sold below market price so everyone can afford it, but also so the community can  maintain the plant and provide clean water for many years to come! Less than 4% of people cannot afford it and receive the water for free.


  • Water business model run by the community.

  • 1,300 reusable bottles at each plant.

  • Delivery to remote places rather than building more plants.

Financially Trustworthy


 We are an ECFA-approved organization and hold high integrity when it comes to financial transparency. 


Our financial statements are available to the public upon request. Email



P.O. Box 923053

Peachtree Corners, GA 30010

(404) 465-1447



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Water at Work Ministry is a  tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code represented by EIN #45-4539743. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by federal and state tax law. Water at Work Ministry promises to honor your generosity and use your donation in the most effective way possible. While every effort will be made to apply your gift according to your indicated project preference, Water at Work Ministry has final discretion over the use of the donated funds, within the organization's mission, to best serve as many people as possible. Water at Work Ministry is platinum rated on Guidestar and accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Water at Work Ministry is focused on Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation and Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth of the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations. In addition, Water at Work Ministry is project #3021988 with the UMC Advance.​


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